Letter: Responding to three items in the Post

Published 9:50 pm Saturday, April 11, 2020

I would like to comment on three recent letters or columns.

To my friend, Clyde: I always enjoy your musings when you decide to share them, but I particularly loved your letter titled “Good things about outbreak.”  They were funny and some were – dare I make your head swell – wise. But most of all, they were all (mostly) true!

To my friend, David Post: Every time I would walk by Swiggle Sweets (usually after eating at Sidewalk Deli and wanting something sweet) I would wonder what in the world is taking so long. Thanks to your column (“Opening candy shop teaches about COVID-19 in China”), I now know! I know more than I wanted to know, but it was very interesting. Here’s hoping it won’t be too much longer!

To Margaret Thompson-Shumate, whom I do not know: I do hope people continue to support the “paper” which I have taken all my life. Editor Josh Bergeron and staff do a wonderful job, and I applaud how they are doing everything they can to keep it going. But I mostly want to comment on your last paragraph in your letter titled “Show support for Salisbury Post.” Thank you for reminding us that we have a God who is in control. He loves us and has plans for good. We do need to remember that in these trying times.

I miss going downtown and seeing all my friends, but we will get through this. One of my mom’s favorite scriptures was “this too shall pass.” I believe we will come out stronger, although my heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones or are otherwise having a rough time.

It breaks my heart when I hear there are still so many children who don’t have enough to eat. I  would like to add a scripture that I feel is appropriate now more than ever (with a little editing on my part): “If my people will pray … I will heal their land!”

Joan Palmer
