Letter: Let 2020 election decide Donald Trump’s fate
Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 12, 2019
I guess it’s OK for the Democrats to spend countless hours and money to see if Donald Trump colluded with Russia to rig the 2016 election in his favor. Yet, when Trump questions the possibility of other colluding against him, he’s guilty of some impeachable offense.
Until 2016, Trump never ran for public office. How would this guy even know how to do all the stuff people are claiming?
There were times when Trump said such outlandish things, I wasn’t even sure he wanted the nomination, let alone become president. But his said things this country had been thinking for a long time. That’s why he got elected.
If anybody knows how to rig the system, it’s career politicians like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton.
Joe has been around for more than 40 years and Hillary is a lawyer, former U.S. senator and secretary of state. Talk about connections. Let’s also not forget about the Clinton Foundation whose donations have mysteriously dried up since she’s been out of politics?
Many think Trump is a jerk, and that’s fine, but being a jerk is not an impeachable offense. Trump deals with foreign leaders who are self-appointed for life. If some do hold an election, they receive 99% of the vote.
Yet, this country can’t give this man four crummy years to try and fulfill his campaign promises. Shame on us.
The whole world is watching, including our enemies. If anybody is aiding and abetting our enemies, which is treason, it’s frauds like Reps. Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff as well as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Forget this impeachment joke. Let the man finish out his term and allow our democratic process to determine if he should have four more years .
Allan Gilmour