Letter: President tearing apart society, Constitution

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The U.S. Constitution has been the stand-up force behind the United States of America since the founding of this democratic republic. Many of us have never read it, nor do we understand it nor carry out our civic duty to vote.

You can print off a copy of the U.S. Constitution from the computer or go to the public library to read a copy.

The U.S. Constitution sets out the process for impeaching a president and some of the grounds on which a president can be impeached.

The present occupant of the White House long ago violated the rule of law and the norms that should govern this nation. Finally, an impeachment inquiry is underway because he openly invited interference in our 2020 election and attempted bribery of another country to get dirt on a possible political rival.

There have been so many lies by President Donald Trump in the past. Now, he cannot cover up all that he has done and is doing to destroy the fabric of this country and the U.S. Constitution.

I have feared for some time that so much damage has already been done that cannot be undone. The U.S. has lost its standing in world leadership. The very fabric of our country and its humanity is in tatters. The list of grievances is far too many to list in a book, let alone a newspaper.

Yes, impeachment is a necessary function set out in the U.S. Constitution. Thank you, Democrats, for standing up and acting in behalf of our country.

Now, will we as citizens have the courage to stand up for the U.S. Constitution?

— Pat Bullard

China Grove