Letter: ‘Witch hunt’ seeks to kill Constitution, rule of law

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 8, 2019

President Donald Trump’s public requests (recorded on video) that Ukraine and China investigate already debunked charges against the Bidens are an unquestionable abuse of power.

Such investigations are meant to find or to manufacture something to hurt a political rival in spite of any already discredited allegations. Recorded public requests to Ukraine validate the whistleblower’s complaint about the president’s unilateral sequestration of congressionally authorized funds to aid Ukraine’s resistance to a Russian invasion.

The whistleblower’s complaint and the White House-released transcript of the president’s call with the Ukrainian president show Ukraine is was anxious to obtain the authorized aid. However, the president responded he needs “a favor” and urged Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son. Texts given to the Congress by the former special envoy to Ukraine document several other instances of White House pressure on Ukraine to investigate the Bidens.

President Trump continually fails to answer questions about his actions by saying they never took place, despite recordings and written documentation that contradict him. He deflects questions with claims that such questions are witch hunts, claiming he is “fighting corruption,” hurling unfounded allegations against former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, the Bidens and others as well as attacking the press.

Even if every charge against others is true, their behavior is irrelevant and does not justify or excuse Trump’s actions. He continually repeats unfounded allegations against others and abuses the power of his office against political opponents.

He claims that attempts to examine his actions are witch hunts. If there are witch hunts, Trump is the hunter and the Constitution, democracy and the rule of law are the witches he wants to burn because they get in the way of him using the power his office for his ego gratification and personal gain.

— Richard Sorenson
