Doug Creamer: Getting a harvest

Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 27, 2019

Doug Creamer

            How are your weeds growing…I mean, how is your garden doing? My garden is doing better this year than last. We are getting a harvest and enjoying it. We have gotten some tomatoes, unlike last year when we only got a few. The squash is doing well. We have also enjoyed the blueberries and raspberries this year.

            Early in the season, I was working hard to try and keep the weeds down. Things were coming along well and then we hit the hot spell, and I don’t like being out in high heat and humidity. Then being away at the beach gave the weeds an extra boost. So overall, we have a healthy crop of weeds this year. Too bad there isn’t such a thing as weed soup.

            I’ve also been fighting the deer again. They really like my string beans, but they will eat the butterbeans, too. I have replanted several times this year. My mom gave me a plastic fence that I put around them and I think we might get some beans after all.

            We’ve also been fighting some yellow bug which is eating the squash leaves, and we’re fighting diseases, as well. The cucumbers have been producing nicely, but something has gotten a hold of them and the vines are dying. The tomatoes have gotten some yellow leaves, and that has hurt us, too.

            The weather forecast is calling for a cooler week. It’s supposed to rain on Tuesday for most of the day, but then give us some nice weather for the end of the week. I hope that is right so I can get out there and work on the weeds, and maybe dig my potatoes. The potatoes have lived much longer than usual, which I hope implies a big harvest. I know there is plenty more heat and humidity to come, but a nice break would be great to catch up out in the garden.

            I am eagerly awaiting the c-o-r-n; I don’t want to say the word lest the deer and raccoons hear me and plan a party out back. The rain this week might be perfectly timed to give me some big full ears of c-o-r-n. I am hoping to enjoy that in the next couple of weeks.

            If you want to grow a good garden, flowers or vegetables, it takes time and effort. The same thing applies to our spiritual lives. No one becomes a strong Christian in a few days. It takes time to break up the crusty soil of our lives. There needs to be a good place for the Word of God to take root in us.

            That means that we have to pick up the Word of God and read it so it will fertilize the new growth in our lives. Naturally, prayer will water our new garden so the seeds will have the best chance to grow. We can’t grow in God if we never talk with Him. We have to spend some time with the Son.

            We begin our spiritual lives with faith, then we add the Word of God and prayer, but we can’t stop there. We have to add goodness. Being good is a choice; it’s like the food we eat. There are so many things to eat; some are good for our bodies, while others can harm us. God wants us to choose goodness. That implies that we have to exercise some self-control. It is extremely hard to have self-control during the holiday season when there is so much delicious food around. God expects us to work on self-control through our temptations.

            It seems that once we start to make the right choices, trials come our way. We have to persevere through those tough times. God is with us. If we take on His character, we will make it through. One thing that can help is being in fellowship with other believers. Your brothers and sisters can help you when times are tough, and you can help them, too. Sometimes the simplest gestures on our part can show the love and kindness of God.

            I want to encourage you to let your roots grow deep in the soil of God’s love. When you allow your roots to draw in the Spirit of God, you will grow strong and produce a heavenly crop. We can’t do it alone. We need each other, God’s Word, and the desire to work in the soil of our lives, so we can produce a harvest for God. No one is perfect, we all have weeds in our lives, but that shouldn’t keep us from being fruitful for God.

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