Doug Creamer: Spring cleaning

Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 4, 2019

           I love spring except for all the allergies. Everything is coming back to life and growing so beautifully. I love walking around the yard and discovering all the wonder and beauty of Mother Nature in her glory. I am watching a little wren play outside my window right now. I’ve even seen some hummingbirds.

            Spring is wonderful, but it does come with lots of work. There are the weeds. Everything needs cleaning, especially from the pollen. Trees and bushes need trimming and the grass is growing quickly, especially with all the recent rain. I am glad the days are longer in the spring because I need more time to get it all done.

            When spring break rolled around I had a long list of things I wanted to do. I tilled my garden, but couldn’t find the time to get anything planted. My nephew loaned me his pressure washer. I had big plans for that. I did both my front and back porches. Then I worked on the sidewalk and the driveway. I could not believe the difference.

            It took a while to get all that done as I had many other things calling for my attention. I can see some other things I would like to pressure wash but another nephew has asked to use the machine. Besides, my body would like me to stop using the pressure washer. I am not 30 anymore and those machines sure do give the body a workout.

            It is nice to have some time to work on big projects like gardening and pressure washing. There are other projects calling for my attention, but they will have to wait. I am going to have to find some time to plant my garden, which I can’t believe I have been putting off for so long. I have the seeds, I just need the time.

            I have been thinking about how quickly time flies. There are so many things that we all want to do, yet it is hard to find the time to get them all done. The everyday tasks can keep us all hopping, but then try to add in some projects and time melts away. We rush here and we hurry there frantically trying to get it all done.

            When life is full with so many things to get done, it is easy to be distracted and miss time with the Lord. He can get pushed right out of the daily agenda. How can we expect to be ready for our day when we haven’t spent time with the Master? I had so many things clamoring for my attention that I found myself stopping and asking God to help me figure out what I needed to do.

            Do you know what I discovered? God always has a plan. He also wants to be with you while you are going about your busy day. Have you ever invited God to cut the grass with you or to pressure wash something with you? It’s amazing because He is right there waiting to be with you. I can actually hear His voice over the sound of the lawnmower. He loves to visit with me in the car while going to and from work. He just needs me to open that door.

            I have found that when I leave my mind to my own devices that my thoughts are not always what they should be. Worry sneaks in the back door. Thoughts of “what ifs” slip in the windows. The concern about the future or my health find places to sprout in the soil of my mind. When I look around I realize that what I need is to pressure wash some of those thoughts right out of my head.

            What I really need to do is invite the power of the Spirit to fill and renew me. I need to wash my mind with the Word of God. Then there will be more room for the Spirit to live in me. If I make God the priority, removing the distractions, then my thoughts can be

centered on Him.

            I want to encourage you to invite the pressure washing power of the Spirit into the places in your mind that need cleaning out. We all can make more room for God. Why do we waste our time with worry and concern for our future? We know that God has it all in His hands. There is nothing too difficult for Him. He knows what is best if we would only seek His face. If we make God our first priority, everything else will find its proper place. After all, knowing Him and being known by Him are the most important things of all.

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