Tonya Skelly: Pray Rowan will gather May 4 to observe National Day of Prayer

Published 11:00 am Friday, April 26, 2019

Tonya Skelly

I believe in God our Father.
I believe in Christ the Son.
I believe in the Holy Spirit.
My is God is three in one.
Pray Rowan stands on that and believes in a personal relationship with our creator. We believe that there is power in prayer. So, “we” meet the first Saturday monthly to pray for our county. Who are “we”? We are the Church going outside of our four walls of our different churches. No matter our background or race. We are brothers and sisters because we have the same Father. This is unity. This is family. This IS the Church! And this is how we bridge gaps and bring healing to our county. John 17:21-23
Throughout Scripture we see the Lord calling us to be in “one accord” with one another in the church. One accord means “with one mind and with one passion.” In the Bible the disciples were most definitely in one accord and had one passion: Jesus Christ. With one goal: Jesus. Praise Him. Serve Him, Love His people. Bring others to Him. Glorify Him. It was all about Jesus. That’s what being in one accord means. It means setting aside our differences, our past, our personal agendas and following Jesus together. God desires His people to be in one accord. He wants us to be able to join together to worship and fellowship and serve Him in one accord. 1 Corinthians 1:10
What do we pray for? Strong marriages and families, revival, our first responders, elected officials, our churches, our schools and students, the unsaved and the unborn. What do we pray against? Violence, drugs, racism. Romans 12:12
God loves everyone. He is for us, not against us. He came to save the lost. This is Good News! Romans 10:9
On Saturday, May 4 from 10-11 a.m. we will be on the Salisbury courthouse steps to pray in honor of the National Day of Prayer. We would love for you to join us. All ages, all churches, those without a church and lawn chairs are welcome.
In His grip and grace,

Tonya Skelly lives in Salisbury where she is a member and President of Pray Rowan and Pray Ecclesia.


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