Sarah Logue: the importance of special days

Published 11:07 am Friday, April 26, 2019

Sarah Logue

April 10th was National Sibling Day. I saw this on Facebook, so I sent out a salute to my two remaining sisters. This caused me to think about special days, so I googled it.

I found there are over 50 special and national days just for the month of April.
The first day of April is April Fools Day. Fun day for some people. I remember once my son called and said his wife had backed her car into a lady who was walking behind her resulting in two broken legs. Of course I was panic stricken thinking of all the worst possible things that could result from this and then I heard him say, April Fools! Not funny at all!

April second is National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day, It is also World Autism Day. On April third (I love this one) it is National Find A Rainbow Day and World Party Day. April fourth is  National Burrito Day and National Hug a Newspaper Day.The list is long and I thought  about the importance of special days.

So many are just fun days to celebrate and others are close to the hearts of people who have a personal connection. A niece of mine has two sons who are autistic so this touches her and she works to help people understand more about autism. National Student Athlete Day is April sixth and all six of my grandchildren are athletes,and students, from fourth grade to college. Being a good student as well as athlete go hand in hand, so I like this special day because it is personal to me.

National Pet Day is April eleventh and many people will share pictures on social media to show off their cute fur babies.One of my favorites is National Grilled Cheese Day. Oh, I love a good grilled cheese.

Can you believe there is a National Ex-Spouse Day?  How Sad!  Oh, and National Laundry Day. Ugh!! That is reaching a bit to celebrate more work.

The calendar brings Easter in April this year .For Christians this is a time we spend remembering the sacrifice Christ made for us. The Last Supper, the betrayal, the death sentence, and the horrible pain Christ suffered as He hung on the cross and gave His life for us. The third day after His death we truly celebrate His resurrection. This all He did for us. So much love!! The song “Love Took His Breath Away” tells the story of His love for us.

Because of this let;s make each day a “special day”. Let;s live a life worthy of what Christ did for us. Be happy, be kind ,share love to others, enjoy the sunshine, the rain, the pets we have, our children, grandchildren, the food we love, humor, jazz, honesty, dance, prime rib, the phone , and the list goes  on and on and on.

Sarah Logue lives in Mooresville. Contact her at

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