Rowan 4-H Dairy Judging team competes in state contest

Published 12:00 am Friday, April 5, 2019

By Laura Allen

Rowan 4-H Agent

The Rowan County 4-H Dairy Judging teams competed in the N.C. 4-H Dairy Judging contest on March 22 in Winston-Salem. The contest was held in conjunction with the N.C. Spring Dairy Show and Sale held at the Winston-Salem Fairgrounds.

These members began practicing in January to prepare for this contest. They learned the parts of a dairy cow, the various dairy breeds and how to analyze and critique dairy cattle according to the Purebred Dairy Cattle Association scorecard. They also learned dairy terminology and how to orally defend their animal placings to a judge.

During the contest, 4-H’ers judged four dairy cow classes and four dairy heifer classes, with each class consisting of four animals that the participant had to place in order from best dairy animal to worst dairy animal. Senior level participants had to give two sets of oral reasons to a judge, while junior level participants had to give one set of oral reasons.

The Rowan County 4-H Junior team consisted of Talton Correll, Adyson Medley, Lucas Parker and Joshua Wilson. Parker scored the highest on the Rowan 4-H junior team. This team placed third in the state.

The Rowan County 4-H Senior team consisted of Josie Correll, Colby Menius, Harrison Shell and Christian Stebe. John Lee participated as a 4-H senior individual. Menius was the highest scorer from the Rowan County 4-H senior participants.

All the youth improved their analytical, critical thinking, decision making and public speaking skills while being involved in this 4-H competition. They also improved their knowledge of the dairy industry.

David Correll and I served as the coaches for these teams.

Thanks to the Rowan County dairy farmers who let us visit their farms to judge their animals: Kerr Mill Holsteins, La-Foster Farm, Lutheridge Farm, Moore Farm. Thanks also to Rowan County Farm Bureau for their support.

If you are interested in your children getting involved in dairy judging in 2020 or in other 4-H events, please contact Laura Allen, 4-H Agent, at 704-216-8970 or

Rowan County Cooperative Extension is located at 2727-A Old Concord Road, Salisbury, NC 28146.