Letter: Explore all avenues before closures

Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 4, 2019

After listening to presentations during the Rowan-Salisbury School Board meeting on March 25, the expressions on the faces of some board members said it all. It appeared that minds had already been made up and this communication session was held just to appease.

After reading the Salisbury Post article on the hearing, it appears that my intuition was correct.

I challenged the board during the meeting to look at pupil assignment and place children in the district in which they reside.

All one has to do is look at the data of school makeup, in terms of social economic status, race and ethnicity.

If the Rowan Salisbury School board has made the decision to close or consolidate schools, an equity policy should be considered and put in place sooner rather than later. Being a successful school includes parent involvement, resources and concrete support from the school system’s top administrators.

How could you not want equity for all children in your system? Would you not expect more for your child? Being poor is not a reason to not give the best to all children.

The school board is to be applauded for tackling these sensitive issues.

One of the roles of a school board member is to do what is in the best interest of the children. Please, do not punish children because due diligence was not carried out by those in charge of ensuring infrastructure monitoring!

My sincere hope is that all avenues are explored before the lives of our children are unnecessarily disrupted.

— Tangy Roseborough
