Posters March 27

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 27, 2019

• Revival services, Fairview Heights Missionary Baptist Church, 704 Old Concord Road. Through 7 p.m. Friday with guest speakers the Rev. Timothy Williams of Yadkin Star Baptist Church of Lexington, the Rev. Darryl Scott Jr. of Center Grove AME Zion Church of Tobaccoville, and the Rev. Dr. Casey of New Zion Baptist Church of Linwood.

• Deadline April 1 for 2019 spring cycle Arts & Cultural Development grant applications. Go to or The Rowan Arts Council is available to assist in preparing competitive grants. 704-638-3100.

• “Guardianship 101” Arc of Rowan seminar series, 6-8 p.m. April 9, 108 Dorsett Drive. Clerk of Courts Jeff Barger offers crucial information for families affected by developmental disabilities. Also an opportunity for CEU credits for teachers. Free; make reservations at 704-637-1521.