Letter: Headed down the wrong path

Published 12:00 am Sunday, March 3, 2019

On Feb. 22, a Wake County judge voided new state mandates requiring photo ID to vote and also limiting income tax rates. His reasoning was that the Republican-controlled legislature lacked the authority to put those constitutional amendments on the ballot because the lawmakers had been elected from racially biased districts two years earlier.

This sounds like a stretch, but if true, how did these amendments get on the ballot in the first place? Also, why are the legislators in these districts still legislating?

I have a feeling that, if the results of those amendments had been different, groups like the NAACP would be proclaiming that the people of North Carolina had spoken.

It was only after the results weren’t in their favor that they cried foul.

There seems to be a lot of this kind of stuff going on these days. If judges don’t like a particular outcome, they cry unconstitutional, minorities cry racism, women cry sexism and the U.S. Congress cries collusion.

This feels a lot less like democracy and a lot more like anarchy and totalitarianism. Perhaps this is what present-day America wants. In this age of political correctness and entitlement, I wouldn’t be surprised.

It would be nice if some sane, sober, civil individual could take center stage and explain what is really going on.

Thanks to power-hungry politicians and a compliant media, I’m not holding my breath.

There’s an old adage that says “Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.” Based on what is happening today in this country, we just might.

— Allan Gilmour
