Is there hope against wild garlic?

Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 24, 2019

Wild garlic seems to be instantly appearing in lawns throughout Rowan County.

The weed is easily identified by its blue-green tufts dotting the yellow-brown winter lawns — plus its familiar garlic odor.

Wild garlic, Allium vineale, is a member of the lily family, a close cousin to edible garlic and onions.

The cylindrical leaves of the weed are waxy, bluish-green and hollow. Underground bulbs bear bulblets which tend to be flat on one side. Wild garlic reproduces in lawns by seed, aerial bulblets AND underground bulblets.

Some spend hours trying to pull and dig up wild garlic bulbs. In this situation, you are almost certain to leave a piece of the bulb in the ground, which will likely produce another plant. Also, the fact that wild garlic can live in the soil for years exacerbates the problem, therefore total elimination requires a long-term commitment.

The use of post emergence herbicides is the most effective method of reducing wild garlic in cool season lawns. Wild garlic is considered a broadleaf weed and various combinations or mixtures of broadleaf post emergence herbicides can control the weed.

These herbicides may be applied now over the top to control the weed. Two applications, ten days apart may be necessary for complete control.

Go online to for more complete information about controlling wild garlic in lawns.