Ann Farabee: Me hold you

Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 8, 2018

Even indoors, the boom of thunder was frightening – especially to my two year old granddaughter, Hope. She dropped her toy, looked my direction, then ran while screaming, “Me hold you! Me hold you!”
She melted in my arms as she jumped up on me, leaned in close, put her head on my chest, then calmly whispered, “Me…hold…you.”
Along with the storm, I sensed that a ‘God moment’ had just blown in…
As I was holding her, I felt such a sweetness. My mind whispered this question, “God, does it feel this good when I come running to You and jump up in Your arms?” I heard – and felt – His gentle and loving response, “Yes.”
Watching Hope’s fear turn to faith as I held her, and seeing her complete trust in me, transcended me past the earthly moment, and showed me a glimpse of God’s Eternal Heavenly Love for us.
Psalm 119:117 says, “Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe.” Hold me, Jesus. No words seem to be any more powerful than those – an image of God, my Creator -holding me in His arms.
In Colossians 1:17 are the words, “He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” When the thunder crashes and the storms arrive in our lives – and they will – we run to Him, crying, “Me hold You!”
We melt in His arms, lean in close, put our head on His chest, and softly whisper, “Me… hold… You.” And we then realize we get something that feels even greater than holding on to Jesus – and that is Jesus holding on to us.
Hope did not need to be scared that day. I was with her the whole time.
Hope knew that the closer she was to me, the safer she felt.
Not sure if she was holding me – or I was holding her. But, it sure felt good.
We do not need to be scared during the storm. He is with us the whole time.
The closer we get to Jesus, the safer we will feel.
We hold on to Jesus, and Jesus holds us. It sure feels good.
Many years ago, it was written in Mark 10:16 that Jesus took His children in His arms.
In 2018, Jesus still takes His children in His arms – I know, because I am one of them.
Hold me, Jesus. It sure feels good.

Ann is a speaker and teacher. Contact her at or


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