North Rowan High school students head back to class

Published 12:00 am Friday, August 10, 2018

SPENCER — North Rowan High School launched the 2018-19 school year a little early. Students returned to classes Thursday morning — more than two weeks ahead of the rest of other schools in the Rowan-Salisbury district. The earlier start date is just one piece of North Rowan’s makeover, which includes two new innovation rooms, an increased partnership with Rowan-Cabarrus Community College and a focus on real-world experience.

North Rowan High was the first district school to be approved for restart — giving it charter-like flexibilities. It is also the first of the district’s 16 restart schools to launch its restart plan. The new calendar lines up with Rowan-Cabarrus college, allowing a greater number of students to enroll in both college and high school.