Post to be printed 5 days a week

Published 12:05 am Sunday, August 5, 2018

Staff report

SALISBURY — Beginning Aug. 11, the Salisbury Post will change its print publication days to Tuesday-Friday and Sunday, no longer publishing a paper on Mondays and Saturdays.
Newsprint costs, which have escalated due to substantial new tariffs, factored heavily in the decision.
The move to print five days a week will help the Post better align resources to its core mission: informing readers and guiding customers to the paper’s advertisers.
The Post will continue to provide daily news coverage on its website,, seven days a week.
The paper has experienced a nearly 30 percent increase in materials costs, with no clear end in rising newsprint prices in sight. Aluminum plates used to print the paper have also risen in price due to tariffs. These expenses have driven similar changes across the newspaper industry.
In ending Monday and Saturday publication, the company is eliminating its two least profitable print editions.
“The changes will allow our staff to focus on producing a quality community print newspaper on the days readers and advertisers have shown matter to them most,” said Post Publisher Greg Anderson.
It will also allow the Post staff more time to develop its digital products, which have been growing in use by readers and advertisers, Anderson said.
“Community newspapers such as the Post are fortunate because we continue to have a healthy print newspaper audience, even as reading habits are changing,” he said. “As media evolve, the combination of print and digital reading and marketing preference aligns perfectly with the skills and knowhow of our staff. Making this move positions our company to continue to thrive as the dominant media outlet in the Salisbury area.
“The Post has served our community since 1905, and we plan to continue doing so for many years to come.”
The subscription price of the printed newspaper, some of which have been delivered at a loss to the company for years due to high delivery costs in rural areas, will remain the same.
Readers with questions about these changes are encouraged to contact the Post at or at 704-633-8950.