Letter: Holiday Caravan belongs to all

Published 1:05 am Thursday, August 2, 2018

I knew after last year’s Holiday Caravan things would never be the same. I admit that I, too, was deeply hurt by the attacks on the board for assumptions, inaccuracy of events and the city’s discussion of hosting the parade without any knowledge of how the Holiday Caravan got to this point in time.

I have my entire adult life lived and worked for this parade, which has come with many burdens. I did it not for myself, but for the community — the laughter and smiles on the faces of kids, parents and grandparents. I did it for the history and legacy of its founders, Henry Bernhardt, Paul Bernhardt, Larry Poteat, Newt Cohen, Clyde Miller and Clyde Young, and the love the parade brought to Julian C Johnston and his legacy.

Many volunteers, participants, past and present Spencer and Salisbury Jaycees have put their hearts into this year after year for their own personal reasons.

The history of the Holiday Caravan belongs to everyone, not just a select few from the Holiday Caravan board that have chosen to hold the name hostage. If you disagree with something, you move on; you don’t hold hostage something that you inherited because it was convenient at the time. You don’t spread more hate with your dislike by refusing to transition because “one of them may end up with it” or “my name will never be associated with them” and “let’s just burn the history book.”

This is why I will to the best of my abilities and a little help will work to find a solution for this community so they can continue to enjoy a parade and make memories for years to come.

— Tammy Pinkston


Pinkston was president of the Holiday Caravan from 2009 until July 13, 2018.