Doug Creamer: Refreshed

Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 7, 2018

Doug Creamer

I wish I could get someone to explain something to me. On a regular week, when Monday rolls around, it feels like Friday is so far away. Mondays are long and we are all dragging so hard just doing our best to make it through. When Friday arrives we are so happy that the weekend has finally arrived. But, and this is the part I need help understanding, when we are on vacation the week flies by. You arrive at your vacation spot at the beginning of a week and before you can blink the vacation is over. WHY?

I am sure there are plenty of good explanations for this phenomenon, the bottom line is that this is the way most of our vacations go. You look forward with great anticipation for months for this vacation, this chance to get away from all the stresses and strains of life. Then, when the vacation finally arrives it seems to end so quickly.

This was my recent experience at the beach. For the last month of school it seems like the only thing that keeps me going is the thought that I will soon be at the beach. I dream of walking along the shore, reading a good book, swimming in the pool, and eating delicious seafood. I finally arrive and unload the car, but then before I know it, I am packing the car to come back home.

As I sit here quietly reflecting, I have to admit that I do feel refreshed. The stress and the exhaustion have slipped away. I have spent some quiet time with my Father and He has renewed my spirit. My taste buds are still rejoicing and I am in the heart of a good book. The residuals of time away are paying off. 

We all need to be refreshed. We all need a touch from God from time to time. Some people believe that the only touch we need is the one that draws us to salvation. Those people miss so much of God. God is greater than any of us can imagine. Even the most spiritual person you know only has a small fraction of the knowledge of God. That’s why we need to draw close to Him for multiple touches.

I firmly believe that God wants to touch us, to draw close to us. The problem is on our side. We are crazy busy with life. We have to run here, rush over there. We eat fast food while we take the kids to all the things they have to do. The weeks are full and the weekends are fuller. We are so pressed to be here and go there that we don’t have time for God.
I wonder at times if all the busyness and rushing around are from the enemy to keep us from connecting with God. We want peace, joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose, but we don’t connect with the God who provides it. If the enemy can keep us distracted and disconnected he can keep us from bringing the presence of God with us everywhere we go. Then we become less effective and empty.

God wants us to be refreshed and refilled with His Spirit. He wants us to walk in the power that can help others connect with a loving God. How do we get filled with that kind of life-giving power? Some might say only during vacations…but I believe we can live as vessels filled with living water every day if we will spend time with God who refreshes and refills us.

I agree that it is easy to connect with God while sitting on the beach with the waves crashing at your feet. It is equally easy to connect with God sitting near a babbling brook, a beautiful waterfall, or even on top of a mountain. We have to learn to connect with God in our everyday circumstances. That means turning off the electronic world and rediscovering a quiet place in your home. God is there just as much as He is on the beach. He wants to connect with us but we have to do our part.

I want to encourage you to make the changes in your life that will allow you to connect with your Father in heaven. He is available and ready to touch you and refresh your spirit. We have to push aside the things that keep us from Him. Draw close to God and He will draw close to you. It’s time for me to go now, I need to get quiet so I can connect with Him. 

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