Doug Creamer: Stay alert

Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 20, 2018

           I was a pretty lucky kid growing up. I had good parents who provided well for me. My brother and sisters were close, and I’m thankful that we continue to be close. Life was relatively easy and I enjoyed good health. I don’t remember being sick very often, but when I was under the weather my mother took good care of me.

            Through my adult life, I have continued to enjoy good health. In recent years however, I have gotten spring and fall “colds,” or so I thought. I would have all the symptoms of a cold and would be laid up in bed for several days. Last year after being laid up for several days, I finally went to the doctor and was told that I didn’t have a cold. It was allergies. I never had allergies before, what am I doing with them now?

            I began to look back wondering how long I have suffered with allergies. My wife is convinced it’s been a while. It seems like every spring and fall my sinuses drive me crazy. Typically, I find myself sleeping for several days trying to recover.

            A recent trip to the doctor confirmed allergies were whipping me once again. This doctor devised a concoction of a variety of over-the-counter drugs and one prescription drug that helped me to breathe and stay on my feet. I am not saying his concoction would work for every allergy sufferer, but it worked for me. I still felt the war going on in my head, but I was able to function much better. I am very thankful for this doctor’s help. I am also thankful for the rain, which I believe will put my allergies to bed.

        The recent bout with allergies has made me keenly aware that when my physical defenses are down my spiritual defenses are compromised too. Temptations, wrong thoughts, and bad attitudes are not easily defeated when our health is below par. It’s easy to understand being grouchy, but allowing the enemy to have complete access to our mental playground is unacceptable.

            I realize that it requires extra energy to keep our spiritual defenses up, especially when our physical body is under attack. In my recent health battle, I not only went to the doctor, but I also sent some close friends an SOS asking for prayer. I needed some help to get my defenses shored back up. I believe in the power of prayer because I know it works. We need to be willing to humbly ask when we are struggling.

            The other thing I noticed is a lack of desire to feed my spirit. I love God’s word and enjoy reading it…when I am healthy. Isn’t it interesting, when I need His word the most, my natural desire wanes? We have to fight to keep reminding ourselves of His promises. There is power in God’s word and I want that power released in me.

            Prayer and spending time with God are about as natural to me as breathing…unless breathing itself becomes an issue. I noticed that my prayers for others evaporated while I was not feeling well. I understand that I have to give myself some slack when I am not well, but losing my connection with God is not acceptable. The enemy wants to stop us from praying, so if he can attack our health and keep us quiet…he wins. We need to learn to pray through our health issues and other battles we face. We want to take the fight to the enemy.

            I want to be a man after God’s heart. That means when the enemy attacks and I find myself losing the battle, in whatever arena, I need to call in my mighty men and women of prayer. I need to make sure that the Word of God doesn’t get out of my sight. I need to let it renew my spirit and thereby my body. I am convinced that we were not designed to make our spiritual journey alone. I need you, you need me, and we all need the Word of God.

            I want to encourage you to find some people who will keep you in their prayers. It’s not a sign of weakness, it’s actually a sign of greater strength. The Bible says that one can put a thousand to flight and two can put ten thousand, so we need each other. You need others to pray for you and they need you to pray for them. In a way, you have each other’s back. I believe prayer can change whatever circumstances you face…just don’t face it alone.

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