Letter: America’s future — revival needed
Published 10:43 am Wednesday, February 7, 2018
The following was read by me some time ago and I submit this perhaps to initiate some serious thought about this country’s future.
“All empires begin with the age of pioneers, followed by the ages of conquest, commerce, affluence, intellect and decadence. America appears to have reached the age of decadence which is defined by defensiveness, the welfare state, and a weakening of religion.
“Decadence is due to: too long a period of wealth and power, selfishness, love of money and the loss of a sense of duty.
“The average age of empires is 250 years. America is about 238 years old and is exhibiting signs of decline. To save us will take a revival of the American spirit.”
— Frederick C Sechler
China Grove
Editor’s note: The quoted passage appears to be from “America’s Moral Compass in Need of Calibration,” by Don Westbrock, quoting heavily from Sir John Glubb’s “The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival.”