Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin
Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 22, 2017
May the forcing be with you
As with any of the tips I’ve been writing, all of them have much more depth to them than can fit into this small space. It would be beneficial to look them up and study them in depth. This article is on New Minor Suit Forcing and, as always, is just a sketch.
You hold this hand: Spades Q 7 6, Hearts A J T 6 3, Diamonds K 7 5, Clubs J T. Bidding proceeds; Partner opens 1C, P, you 1H, P. Next, partner bids 1NT.
With 11 HCP you want to force your partner to bid at least one more time, but how? You can’t rebid Hearts without 6 of them; raising partner’s NT would allow partner to pass if he has minimum points.
You think your pair can do better with your combined 24 HCP. Since Clubs have already been bid, an artificial Diamond bid (New Minor Suit Forcing) forces partner to make another bid. You have a better chance of reaching the “correct” contract. Study this and practice with partner.
Winning at our Oct. 13 Evergreen game were: N/S 1st Judy Gealy and Carol Bachl, 2nd Ruth Bowles and Marie Pugh, 3rd Shirley and Ron Jeffers, 4th Judy Hurder and Pat Macon;
E/W 1st Pat Featherston and Andra Cozart, 2nd Fern Albracht and Everett Halsall, 3rd Betty Bills and BettyBonner Steele, 4th Wade Lowder and Fred Bachl.
Featured is board # 13 from Friday’s game. All vulnerable North dealer
S Q T 9 7 3 2
H 4 2
D Q 6
S J 6 5 S A 8 4
H K Q J 8 6 3 H A T 9 5
D 9 3 D A 8 5 2
C Q 6 C 7 4
H 7
D K J T 7 4
C A 9 8 5 3 2
Ron Caudle and Don Webster defeated opponent’s 4HW 2 tricks for the best N/S score, while best score E/W 3SW making, was made by Fern Albracht and Everett Halsall.
Our Oct. 17 Women’s Club game was well attended. Winning 1st Shirley and Ron Jeffers, tied for 2nd /3rd Judy Hurder and Nancy Brandt with Wade Lowder and Fred Bachl, 4th Pat Featherston and Ron Caudle, 5th Carol Winecoff and Myrnie McLaughlin.