Letter: Better fire protection coverage for whom?

Published 4:28 am Tuesday, September 26, 2017

 I just wanted to put my two cents worth in of the passing of rezoning of 150-160 Mahaley Ave. This is the proposed sight for the new Fire Station 3 in the future.

While City Council members can claim non bias and codes of ethics and recite facts and figures, the bottom line is this: This is where the fire chief wanted it for better coverage.

Better coverage for whom? The affluent northwest on Old Mocksville Road? Eagle Heights? The Reserve? The northern most region of the Salisbury Country Club?

What this location will do is make for longer response times to the West End and Livingstone College. This was never mentioned at the hearing.

Yes, it was a “done deal” when it started because the chief would not recommend any other site. Do not be fooled by what you read in the paper. You had to be there to read the room.

Although I have my political differences with Councilman Kenny Hardin, he did pinpoint the issue. It was a “done deal.” Thank you, Councilman Hardin,  for you astute observations at the meeting.

I have lots more to say about the council’s attitudes, ways of conducting business, etc, Oh yeah, certain other issues that look less than above-board as well. More on that later.

Oh, I forgot to mention Kingsbridge Road will get better response also. I believe a certain council member that voted for this lives on that street. He did not recuse himself but he received benefit from this.

— George W Benson
