Letter: Landrieu distorts history
Published 12:07 am Sunday, August 27, 2017
Landrieu distorts history
The excerpt printed from New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu should not have been printed by The Salisbury Post. This was not necessary and only serves as a tool to instigate a race riot. Landrieu’s speech writer is completely ignorant of history; and since Landrieu read the speech, he owns it which proves that he also is totally ignorant of history. This intellectual pygmy has eaten and regurgitated the current false rhetoric to further inflame his ignorant voting base that is today’s New Orleans and a large part of today’s America. Reading that speech excerpt was almost as nauseating as watching a dog eating his own vomit.
The War Between the States was not a civil war. That war was not fought over slavery. The monuments were erected to honor the men who fought an invading force in their country. There are many untold millions of descendants of those brave men that still know the truth of their people. The destruction of these memorials will only inflame them and create untold resentment and backlash.
— Steve Poteat