Letter: Let’s stop pretending
Published 12:15 am Sunday, August 13, 2017
Over the past few years different folks have invented different strokes to spend the “big bucks” in Rowan County government to help improve the “quality of life” for everyone.
Some of these programs, logos, themes and schemes are Healthy Rowan, Be an Original, RoCo Works, Re-brand, Grow Rowan and this one, “Better Together. Giving. Working. Growing.” I would love to know how these are working out.
It might be time for another “brand” for their little word game and face reality for the good of all.
This one is named “Let’s Pretend.”
Lets pretend. When the higher-ups are speaking of a “healthy community” they are actually speaking of a healthy body and mind and not a healthy pocketbook. I think they confuse health with wealth.
Let’s pretend. When Greg Edds said, “We are here to say that enough is enough and this will end,” he was talking about using tobacco in the parks. This is something he could and should do something about instead of making such a baldfaced statement about something he has no control over.
Let’s pretend. When the recreation director walks through “Dan Nicotine Park” one morning he has a revelation and testifies, “I’ve seen the light. All these signs are ridiculous and confusing and need to be out of pocket. Let us have just one sign — ‘Welcome to Our Tobacco-Free Parks.’ ”
Let’s pretend. The nature center supervisor has a pair of something besides bald eagles and says, “I’m with you all the way. Let’s go to the board and demand a park-wide ban on tobacco.”
Let’s pretend. A county board member cares more about all the precious little children than he does about a bunch of feral cats.
Let’s pretend. The other three “bored” members … someone else needs to pretend for them. I’m all pretended out.
Now it’s past time for a “brand” new program.
Let’s quit pretending.
— Whitey Harwood
Rowan County