Letters: A message for Trump
Published 12:24 am Sunday, June 25, 2017
Dear Mr. President: I am a independent voter and a veteran of the Korean War.
Your wall to keep out illegal aliens will not work. As already proven , They will fly over it and tunnel under it or go around it by water and boats.
I can’t blame them for wanting and trying to get a better way of life. We were all immigrants at sometime in the past.
The solution is simple. Enforce the law that is already on the books. It is against the law to hire illegal aliens. They do not pay taxes or Social Security and should not use our hospitals and other services for free. And they cause accidents because they cannot read English signs. Their employers pay cheap wages, under the table, with no benefits or insurance.
Again, The solution is simple. Make it a felony to hire an illegal alien. The same for anyone making false IDs and documents.
The penalty should be mandatory jail time, a large fine and confiscation of the property. Use the money for the fence to hire more agents sworn to uphold the law. Schedule more inspections.
If there is no work they will not come and those that are here will leave. The problem is with the greedy people that hire them.
— Lt. Col. James P. Williams, Ret.