Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Published 12:00 am Sunday, May 14, 2017


I hear so often, ”I’m tired of not having any cards!” Translation, I’m tired of not having enough points to play the hand as declarer because it’s more fun. Everyone loves to play a contract as declarer and make it.

But, think of the joy you have when as defense you stop declarer’s success and gain points for your side. We all have 13 cards in our hand that we have to manage wisely. Defense is 50 percent of the game and is quite important to the success of your partnership and the final score.

The ACBL has recommended this book: Defending at Bridge-A First Course by Bill Treble. The book is available at Baron and Barclay or Amazon. It is very basic and easy to read and worthwhile for players of beginning and medium level. It covers opening leads, signaling, and mid-game discards. But as with each direction you’re playing, it is also vital to keep track of the lower cards, and number of cards played in all 4 suits. Low cards can mean as much to the outcome as high cards at the end of play.

Our May 5 Evergreen game was well attended and lively as usual. Winners were: N/S 1st Nancy Brandt and Tom Johnson, 2nd Ruth Bowles and Marie Pugh, and tied for 3rd/4th Patsy Reynolds and Betsy Bare with Pat Macon and Becky Creekmore;

E/W 1st Margaret and Chuck Rimer, 2nd Judy Gealy and Carol Bachl, 3rd John and Myrnie McLaughlin.

Featured is board #22 from this game E/W vulnerable East dealing


S  8 7 3 2

H  A K T 9 6

D  4 3

C  5 3

WEST:                     EAST:

S  6                           S  Q J T 4

H  J                           H  Q 7 3

D  K Q J 8 7 6 5       D  2

C  K J 9 2                  C  A Q T 7 4


S  A K 9 5

H  8 5 4 2

D  A T 9

C 8 6

No direction has enough points to bid game but the computer printout indicates E/W can make 4 D or 4C, and N/S can make 2H or 1S. Tom Johnson and Nancy Brandt had best N/S score defeating E/W minor suit contract 3 tricks while the best E/W score was made by Loyd and Jean Hill who made 5 of the minor suit, an example of the benefit of having good defense.

The winners at the May 9 Women’s Club game were: 1st Carol and Harold Winecoff, 2nd Marie Pugh and Loyd Hill, 3rd Margaret and Chuck Rimer, 4th Dave Goff and Dick Brisbin.

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