Letter: Republican thinking not keeping up with millennials

Published 8:58 pm Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The GOP will continue losing millennial support until they stop pretending this is their generation. Only about a third of millennials identify as Republican. If Republicans do not amend their platform to the values and beliefs of the upcoming generation, the GOP may disappear.

What happened to the party that stayed out of your home and wallet? The GOP has brought itself to the front lines of the battle against the LGBTQ+ community. The Republican definition of marriage and family is hindering the party. Millennials are not godless. We are religious; however, like past generations, we are less strict on interpretation. Until the GOP recognizes that our  thinking about the world is not the same as theirs, they will struggle.

Deregulating business and encouraging free markets are the values Republicans should run on — appealing to the inner business mogul or contractor, the party of the working class. Moderation between keeping wealth and increasing the standard of living — these are the goals that the party has going for it when it comes to millennials. What better way to address the economy for  millennials than finding solutions to student debt? Instead of railing against Democrats for their belief in free public education, create a better solution.

My final plea to the Republicans would be to get off of their base of white males and  reach out to minority voters. White Americans will not be the majority in the United States for much longer, and it is time Republicans looked for a more inclusive platform instead of sticking with what gets them narrow victories. Idiotic solutions such as building a 20-foot-high border wall or deporting masses of undocumented people are the problem, and until the GOP addresses its relentless vindication of 50-year-old social norms, the party will continue to sprint towards evaporation.

— Tarik Woods

Chapel Hill