Lynna Clark: Beneath the load

Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 6, 2017

Beneath the Load

The cutest little bluebird couple has made a home in the box outside my window. While I’m writing I’m able to observe them and keep up with the progress of their babies. I feel like Gladys Kravitz from the sitcom of yesteryear; always poking my nose into the neighbor’s business. But I’m sure not convicted enough to stop. Pretty soon those little fledglings will be ready to fly and I want to see it. Their house is on a pole with a snake guard around it thanks to my friend Randy. A few years back we made the mistake of attaching the birdhouse on the side of the shed. I looked out one day just in time to see a big ol’ black snake slithering out of the house with sizable lumps in his belly. Oh my poor soul! But not this year! I could tell the babies had hatched as both mama and daddy brought food. Then suddenly it rained for days; cold drenching downpours lasted hours at a time. One morning David happened to look out the window before heading to work.

The birdhouse had fallen over, pole and all. With helpless baby birds inside, it lay on the ground just waiting on the neighbor’s cat or a nasty snake to notice. My hero went out in the pouring rain and stood the pole upright again, pushing it as far into the soggy soil as he could. We hoped it would hold and that the birds inside would somehow be alright.

I try not to spiritualize everything that happens in my life. Sometimes crap just happens. We hurt and move on like the year the black snake got my bluebirds. But I couldn’t help but compare God’s care for me to David’s care for the birds when I read this passage.

“The Lord helps the fallen and lifts those bent beneath their loads.” –Psalm 145:14

In fact all of Psalm 145 is a great encouragement for anyone bent beneath their load. Our gentle Lord is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. He showers compassion on all His creation. He hears our cries for help and rescues us.

Before David left for work we checked on the house again. Mama and daddy birds had returned. In and out they went, feeding their little ones. A few days later I could see tiny bird heads peeking out of the hole looking for a parent to return with a tasty treat. Slowly they explored and stretched looking out their one window to the world, probably wondering what it would be like to fly. Soon they will know. They don’t however know enough to thank the one who lifted them when they had fallen.

But I do.

Thank you Lord for caring for the least of Your wonderful creation. You’ve said that not even a sparrow falls without You. By revealing that, I know that You surely care for me. When my soul longs for health and my spirit grows weak, You lift my load. You are the strength of my heart. You are mine forever! May everyone share the story of Your wonderful goodness and bless Your holy Name!

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