Hudson, Budd speak at Lincoln-Reagan Dinner
Published 12:05 am Sunday, March 5, 2017
By Rebecca Rider
SALISBURY — Rowan County Republicans came together Saturday at the Rowan County Lincoln-Reagan Dinner to celebrate their successes from the past election season and to plan for the future.
Guest speakers at the event included Reps. Richard Hudson, R-8, and Ted Budd, R-13. The two spoke about what drives them forward, and encouraged attendees not to give up or get discouraged.
“I’ve never been more encouraged than I am right now,” Hudson said.
The country was poised on a precipice of change, he said, and cautioned local Republicans not to listen to the media or negative reports. Hudson spoke on the actions taken so far this year by President Donald Trump and Congress, and said the president and his fellow Republicans would continue to keep their word.
“We’re going to deliver on our promises to the people,” Hudson said.
He outlined the next steps for the new government, including repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as “Obamacare,” and reforming Medicaid — a journey Hudson said he was going to start on in the next week or so. The government will also focus on increasing jobs. He referenced the recent changes and elimination of government regulations.
“It’s never been done in history,” he said. “But it’s being done in Washington on your behalf.”
Republicans in Congress also have plans for tax reform, and will continue to focus on national security.
Hudson also said Republicans had to push forward, despite protests, and to continue to keep people involved.
“If we’re going to continue to change this country, we’ve got to change hearts and minds as well,” he said.
Ted Budd, newly elected representative, agreed. He added that there is not as much infighting as media would lead people to believe — on Capitol Hill, Democrats and Republicans may disagree on issues and policy, but “on a friendship level, we get along.”
The key, he said, was to listen.
“We have to engage the fight with the ones we disagree with,” he said. “And the fight is now.”
Budd also referenced the fight on federal regulations, the push to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act and tax reform.
There were several things local Republicans could do to help, he said, including prayer, staying positive and staying encouraged and writing op-ed pieces.
During the remainder of the dinner, Elaine Hewitt was awarded the 2017 Norene Foster Volunteer of the Year Award and Craig Pierce was named the 2017 Republican of the Year for Rowan County. Leadership of the Rowan County Republican Party passed from Stephen Kidd to Don Vick.
The dinner was sponsored by Shari and Bill Graham.
Contact reporter Rebecca Rider at 704-797-4264.