Letters to the editor – Wednesday – 2-15-17

Published 4:12 pm Tuesday, February 14, 2017

An American tragedy plays out on city streets

Act 1. Your grandchild lies sleeping in your bed, safe and secure. The peaceful night is shattered by searing pain in your leg and terrified screams as you reach to comfort her. Only then, you realize the horrific wail is coming from you, due to her limp, lifeless body being riddled with gunshots.

Act 2. Being forewarned you will likely be facing gunfire doesn’t minimize your commitment to make this community safer, drug free, to sit on the porch or allowing children to play outside without fear. You picture your own child, say a prayer and move forward. The muzzle flash at your face requires one action, return fire. A young man, someone’s grandson, lies dead, surrounded by drugs, ammunition and a bullet proof vest. The day he chose to deal with drugs he accepted the inevitable deadly confrontation destined to come with another dealer, customer or policeman.

Act 3. Public outcry is fueled with rage, at the killing of “a good boy,” without a word regarding the drive-by murder of a sleeping child. Demands continue for law revision, change and more opportunities for youth while school has become the babysitter. The responsibility of teachers is not to instill morals and respect. It is to give the child an education. Change comes when we “own” the problem in our homes first.

“Bring up a child in the way he should go” means from birth until legal age, setting the example, instilling the importance of faith and home. There is no opportunity for a child surrounded by gangs, drugs, violence and tolerance by their own community.

No-knock warrants are used to protect lives —  black, white and blue. Whose side are you on? Their abolishment is an open invitation to gangs and dealers to take over your homes and your lives.

— Shari Keller


Dropout rate increases

I suggest that the dropout rate may decrease if the kids and parents are more satisfied with their school. Therefore, let them choose the high school to attend. Taxpayers fund all the schools. Let the kids choose. It is worth a try.

— John Leatherman


Election consequences

Each day Trump makes a fool of himself anew. The people have spoken. How bitter those words must taste.

— W.L. Poole
