Letters to the editor – Thursday – 2-2-17

Published 11:12 pm Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Trump’s disinformation smacks of propaganda

I am filled with a great sense of irony after reading Randy Biggerstaff’s letter to the editor in Tuesday’s Salisbury Post(“Trump steamrolling over liberals to save America”). In it, he excoriates the media as some sort of elite institution of liars and manipulators of the truth (except for Fox). I say ironic because he is sharing this information in the free pages of a newspaper, an institution which is part of the bedrock of a free society. News is not “fake” merely because you disagree with it.

One point in which I am in agreement with Mr. Biggerstaff is that our newest president is indeed weaving a web of confusion, or “decoy(s)” as he puts it. This technique of dis-information and misdirection is a common tool of propagandists. Attacking your opponent as stupid and therefore, wrong, is actually the weakest form of debate, only done if you have nothing of substance to say — if you have ever done debate team, then you know this already. People on both sides of the political aisle have indulged in ad hominem style attacks, which is ultimately to the detriment of civil debate, another bedrock of a free society.

President Trump has said he wants to bring our nation together, but his actions this past week are only driving us further apart. It is up to citizens to continue to work together to mend the tears in the fabric of our civil society.

— Teresa Rowell


Column inspired students

I want to thank Karen Calderon and the Salisbury Post for Karen’s article, “Parents made sure we had opportunity” (Jan. 19).

This article was a wonderful gateway to our conversation about the importance of literacy and the tremendous impact that our community can have on student learning. My students were inspired to brainstorm ways that we can all be a part of encouraging literacy and education. We can work together to achieve educational success.

— Angie Fleming

Fleming is an AIG language arts teacher at North Rowan Middle School.