Letters to the editor — Thursday (1-12-16)

Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 12, 2017

Development needed scraping after storm

We have lived in the White Oak Acres development off Leach Road for 45 years. For the past three years we have not had our development scraped in a timely manner following snow/ice storms.

We realize that our development is only 2 miles long with approximately 20 houses, but the residents deserve to have their roads scraped, too. Buses also come back into our development to pick up children for school.

How hard would it be for the snowplow to swing through our development when it scrapes Leach Road? I know for a fact that several neighborhoods in the North area have been scraped several times since Friday. While the temperatures remained below freezing, our neighborhood was a sheet of solid ice. It will be a week before all this ice leaves naturally. Our paper and mail were not delivered because of the danger of icy roads.

For years, our development was scraped at least once after snow accumulates. If done in some parts of the county, then it should be done in all parts of the county.

— Donald Marsh


Group can help the grieving

Immediately after my son’s death in 2004, I was contacted by the Cabarrus County MOMO (Mothers of Murdered Offspring) organization, who wanted to release balloons at West Lawn Cemetery following his burial.

I was actively involved with them for several years, and I think MOMO is another mental and physical outlet for those suffering the most grievous event of their lives.  Everyone there understands when you laugh so hard you cry; when you cry so hard you laugh; when you stare into space; when you can’t stop talking; when you can see the hurt in each others’ hearts; when you feel helpless, hopeless, and harmless; and when you want to crawl into the grave with your child. Time doesn’t heal all wounds; it just makes them easier to bandage.

As anyone who talks with me knows, I try to support my county first. I only go outside the county for something that is not available in Rowan County.

With the rising murder rate, I know we have numerous families who would benefit from this organization, and you don’t have to be a mother to join — just someone who cares about the mothers and others who are grieving.

The police chief in Cabarrus County was always involved in our meetings and activities. Sally Coleman was our president, and I can contact her to assist if anyone is interested in forming a Rowan County MOMO.

— Elaine Howle

China Grove

Excellent negotiator

The writer is responding to a story in Friday’s paper, “Charity leader repaying $19 million debt.”

Charity? You got to be kidding! Repaying a $19 million debt at $260 a month would take over 6,000 years. Sounds like this guy is an excellent negotiator. The VA better be very careful dealing with him.

— Gordon Rutzen
