Letters to the editor — Sunday (10-30-2016)
Published 12:21 am Sunday, October 30, 2016
What you don’t know about my daughters
I am the mother of the two young ladies who took a picture with Eric Trump while (one of them) was wearing a “Latina Contra Trump” shirt.
I am writing in response to Ms. Shumate who wrote to the Post about them. Ms. Shumate, I wish you could know my girls. They are intelligent, kind and respectful.
They have been honor students at Salisbury High School and in college. One of them is a college graduate. They have volunteered at Rowan Helping Ministries, gone to numerous Marches for Life in Washington, D.C., and have gone on a mission trip to Ghana, Africa. They are weekly churchgoers.
They have never been in trouble, or taken drugs, or stolen anything, or done anything that my husband or I would be ashamed of.
Would I have counseled them to go to the Trump rally? No — my husband and I aren’t politically inclined. But they did go, on the spur of the moment as young people do, and because of a tweet that went viral, have received a lot of press. They were not there to stir up trouble or have “15 minutes of fame.” Believe me, any positive attention they may have received has been greatly outweighed by some of the horrific comments from people on the Internet.
I would not be a good mother if I didn’t stand up for them and tell all of Salisbury that my daughters are wonderful people and I thank God every day that they are mine. On one point we are in agreement: I will be very happy when this election is over!
— Ilse Cardelle
Scary times ahead
Indeed, election 2016 is scary. ‘Boo’ used to be the word to scare people celebrating Halloween. Now, ‘Clinton’ or ‘Trump’ should send people running for their lives. The saving grace during these trying times is the word “impeachment” should either one not live up to his/her promises. I am so glad that we still live in a land where democracy is the law of the land. I pray cooler heads prevail over the next four years. Wishing you all a safe and happy Halloween and most important, go vote!
— Herb Stark
Craver for Davidson board
This letter is in support of Phillip Craver for the Davidson County School Board. Phillip has served the past four years, and has been a reasoned voice in dealing with issues and concerns. His motives are always what are best for children and concerns of teachers and staff.
Phillip has a long family history in public education. His great grandfather was a country doctor who was chairman of Davidson County Board of Education in the 1940’s. His father, mother and sister are retired teachers and teacher assistants. His grandmother worked in the Reed’s School cafeteria for many years.
If re-elected, Phillip will work hard to continue to represent the interest of students, staff and administrators. Please consider giving Phillip you support when you vote!
— Jordan Lanham
Endorsement deadline
Letters regarding the Nov. 8 election must be received in the Post newsroom by is 5 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 3, to be published before the election.