Letters to the editor — Tuesday (9-27-16)
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Join the Oct. 2 Prayer Chain and stand up for the unborn
Each year, National Life Chain’s “Silent Prayer Chain for the Unborn” lines U.S. and Canadian sidewalks with a prayerful and peaceful public witness that is an extension of Sunday morning worship. Christians of all ages are urged to participate in this event which highlights the need for our churches to bond their spiritual forces to end the killing of millions of innocent children through abortion.
Participants hold their vigil to emphasize that society must move past the “abortion issue” to the preborns’ humanity and provide the children uncompromising protection that can also end the killing.
Pastors are asked to prepare their congregations with earnest intercession and reflections to promote the National Life Chain Sunday’s success.
Organizers believe the accountability for resolving man’s inhumanity to the unborn lies heavily with our churches where, as in prewar Germany, paralyzed churches have failed to discern and value the victims’ humanity and lack the resolve and passion necessary to end this unspeakable injustice.
Christians of all ages are urged to participate. Spend one hour from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. with the local Life Chain participants, who will meet at the corner of Main and Innes streets in downtown Salisbury for this event.
— Barbara Franklin
America is declining, and Hillary will make it worse
Before you elect Hillary — and finish sinking this country to the depths of the abyss — you might want to read this. According to Homeland Security, two government organizations recently — “accidentally” — awarded citizenship to nearly 900 illegal immigrants, mostly from the Middle East. These were dangerous, illegal immigrants slated for deportation.
The Obama/Clinton Administration has only deported extremely dangerous security risk types. Now Obama wants to bring in 110,000 refugees next year; Hillary wants to import more. You do realize that many of these “tens of thousands” cannot be properly vetted. Some of Obama’s own top administration officials have warned that ISIS will penetrate the U.S. through this farce, designed to increase votes for the Democrat Party, not out of love and compassion.
This Trojan Horse infiltration will make Krakatoa look like a firecracker.
Trump and dozens of his top military advisers/supporters have been screaming about this for months. As with most of the terrorist attacks worldwide and here over the past couple of years, it only takes one to murder dozens. Want to bet your family’s life that it can’t happen here?
A recent Quinnipiac poll found 68 percent of Trump supporters are worried about themselves or their families being victims of a terrorist attack, while only 29 percent of Clinton supporters are.
Maybe most of Hillary’s followers should put their unicorn back in the corral, and subscribe to reality. It’s like White House Spokesman Josh Earnest stating that “ISIS is trying to assert a narrative.”
No, Josh, ISIS is trying to assert their will by drowning and burning Christians in cages, cutting off heads, and, murdering women and children, while pushing gays off of buildings. By the way, have you seen Charlotte lately? Better pray Trump gets elected before the whole country goes up in flames!
— Randy Biggerstaff