Letters to the editor — Monday (9-26-2016)
Published 12:31 am Monday, September 26, 2016
Christians as bad as Isis? Really?
Couple of comments on the Sept. 23 “Talk back”:
Yes, it’s true Christians are just as bad as Isis. In fact, on Sept. 31 at 10 a.m., all non-Christians will be beheaded on the Square. That’s just as ridiculous as the “just as bad” comment. Rest assured, however, that under Isis, you WILL bow to allah or be beheaded. How do you like your burka?
As to how the Jewish men would feel if they had to listen to the prayers of a faith they didn’t believe in? Hey! They were in captivity! They were in the furnace because they would not bow to a man who set himself up as a god. They stayed faithful in their worship of the one true God.
And yes, I know there is no Sept. 31!
— Jeff Vail
For the record
The Post stated that Duke has defeated Notre Dame twice in football — the first time in 1958 by a score of 9 to 7 in Durham. My sources say this was a Notre Dame victory. Duke beat Notre Dame in Durham in 1961 by a score of 37-13. That year the Notre Dame roster included: Nick Buoniconti and Daryle Lamonica as well as running back Angelo Dabiero, who ran for a 54-yard touchdown on the fifth play of the game.
There was talk that year that if Duke could beat Notre Dame, Duke might play in the Rose Bowl, but the Rose Bowl ended up inviting Minnesota.
I know this is correct; I was at the game.
— Gordon Correll
Wrong numbers
I just went to a new cellphone carrier. I was going to get a Smart phone and have all the neat things to connect to in this crazy world.
Well, because of nerve damage, I couldn’t handle the spinning of the numbers. So I had to take it all back to the store and they gave me $404 in credit, and I had to go back to a flip phone.
So I figure I had at least four months of credit with the store.
WBefore my first month, a bill was sent to me for $150.10. I am back at the store again. A young lady goes into the back room and the bill is canceled, I think.
So I am waiting for my first real bill from the cellphone company. When it comes, $335 of my credit is used up, and I owe them $69.50. What the … ?
Well, back to the store I go. I told the so-called manager that I was being ripped off. He said, no, it’s all OK.
I said no way! He’ll get my phone back next week. I am old but no fool. When there are dropped phone calls and poor service, they only give you you credit to use in their store. No money comes back to you. So much for being connected to this crazy world. I run from cellphones now.
— Joyce Orphanoudakis