Quotes of the week
Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 24, 2016
“Americans are encouraged to practice and celebrate religion, but it shouldn’t be established through the state.”
— Judge. Harvie Wilkinson, Fourth Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals, dissenting from the majority that upheld Rowan commissioners’ meeting prayers
“People need to understand this is not an isolated event. It’s part of an ongoing experience in our culture. What happened to the brother in Charlotte is connected to the brother in Tulsa.”
— The Rev. Anthony Smith, Salisbury, on the shooting of black man by police in Charlotte
“I may not agree with his methods, but I honestly believe that he cares enough about his reputation that he would not be a failure.”
— Rodney Cress, Rowan veteran, before leading the Pledge of Allegiance at rally for Donald Trump
“You have to make them feel welcome.”
— Jehan Davis, Bounce City co-owner, calling for more downtown events celebrating different cultures
“Isn’t it rather disingenuous to say, ‘Well, we don’t want these community schools closed. … But we could close Salisbury?’”
— Susan Cox, school board member and candidate, at a Tea Party meeting, when asked about past talk of closing Salisbury High