Letters to the editor — Monday (8-22-2016)
Published 12:10 am Monday, August 22, 2016
Rowan doesn’t need riot gear
I am disturbed by the Post’s Aug. 17 story that the Rowan County Sheriff’s Department is militarizing with riot gear, and doing so using ethically-questionable asset forfeiture funds, no less.
It is utterly ludicrous that Rowan County would ever need riot gear. The excuses of the sheriff that he would not want to depend on other agencies in the event of “unrest” is a cop-out and is a dodge from his primary responsibility of implementing innovative community-strengthening enforcement practices like pre-arrest diversion programs and ending interdiction stops, which needlessly sow discontent with the black community. The Rowan County I grew up in was a quaint, rural community where neighbors trusted one another and where law enforcement was a respected member of the community, and which understood that the mere presence of a militarized cop would escalate, rather than tranquilize, any situation in which he was present.
I grasp that the times we live in are uncertain and unnerving, and that it appears society is decaying all around us. (And, for what it’s worth, it very well may be, in an irreversible way due to long-term entropy driven by ecological decline.) But the solution to dealing with entropy is not to arm the teeth of the state against its citizenry — which is how this unquestionably appears — but rather to invest in community-building initiatives based on sustainability and love for one another. Rowan County is better than riot gear. Strong communities make police obsolete, and that is the ethos law enforcement in my hometown must pursue — to be not needed, because, instead, the fabric of the community is strong. And good on any citizen who stands up to an armored police force — liberty must not die without a fight.
— James C. Carli
That was no apology
I read with interest Reporter Josh Bergeron’s article concerning the recent Trump rally in Charlotte. Like several other media representatives, he uses the term “apology” (which I am sure many would like to have heard) to describe Trump’s “regret”of past actions. To have a “regret” is far from apologizing. Most people have many regrets regarding actions and lack of actions, but that does not indicate being apologetic. Regret more often comes when a person is caught and/or realizes the consequences of his or her action.
An apology is a personal process. I was taught that when one apologizes, one must have contact with the offended party, admit specifically what I had done wrong, and seek forgiveness (which may or may not be given). Until this process is completed, one may have tremendous regret; but still will not have apologized! There are many regrets, but few apologies. This was not an apology!
— Lawrence Walser
Veterans need answers
After checking my history folder, I realized I had written 15 letters to the editor over the past five years. Ten of these letters were pertaining to veteran affairs. These are the people I want to honor. Also, I want to thank the editor for allowing us to present our thoughts and ideas.
Letters to the editor are a very good way to express your thoughts and ideas, but veterans need a more helpful communication method, like a “veterans’ corner” with all the veterans services people and the VA hospital nearby. We should not have any problem in answering any question we may have. I know there are some people who don’t think so.
Of course we would like to have our questions answered. Most of my letters did get answered when I wrote love letters or got “Dear John” letters those were answered. A letter to the editor is a good sounding board, but we don’t get any answers. I would be glad to help sponsor a true Q-and-A service for the 35,000 veterans of Rowan County.
My primary mission is to help another military man or woman who has served this country and may need some help.
— Hugh Martin
Breakfast surprise
Today my son-in-law took me to breakfast. As I was behind a couple at the register, the man took my check and paid for it. I am a Vietnam vet and he thanked me for my service.
— Larry Maher
Today my son-in-law took me to breakfast. As I was behind a couple at the register, the man took my check and paid for it. I am a Vietnam vet and he thanked me for my service.
— Larry Maher