Letters to the editor – Thursday – 8-18-16

Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 18, 2016

Local leaders make some questionable decisions

I, for the most part, have tried to ignore the shenanigans and outrages of the local ruling class. (Couldn’t you figure out some way to add just a few more turrets and pennants to our grandiose entryway design?) Nothing ever changes. For the most part, all it does is raise my blood pressure.

(The ruling class actually wonders why every other county around us is basking in a wonderful recovery, and we are still at the bottom of the pit. Just pick up a Post, any day or every day).

However, the idea to purchase riot gear (just what euphemism would you use to describe it?) for the Sheriff’s Department is beyond the pale. I’ve lived here for over 16 years, and I don’t believe we have incurred any riots. Just like the man who built the baseball diamond in the cornfield said, “If you build it, they will come,” you will have deputies running around overreacting to situations to find an excuse, any excuse they can to don their military toys and do combat with the populace. Mark my words.

While I’m at it, another comment: How refreshing that the Post occasionally throws us sane folks a few bones, like Keith Townsend’s My Turn, and Kathleen Bergeron’s letter, etc. Such a relief.

And so it goes. For the record, I voted for John Kasich in the primary.

— Dee Sink


Riot gear? Really?

Why in the world does little Rowan County need riot gear? Unfortunately, this follows countless other police departments across the country militarizing themselves. How many riots has Salisbury seen over the last few decades? Would I need two hands to count?

Ostensibly, “members of our community (might) appreciate that reassurance.” How did the public in St. Louis feel? That money could be used in community outreach.

Ask ourselves: Why have there been riots? It’s as if they’re planning trouble.

There are better ways to protect and serve, and there are better ways to use taxpayer money.

— Daniel Spaw

Brentwood, Tenn.