Deputy injured in crash now at home
Published 4:02 pm Monday, August 15, 2016
SALISBURY — A Rowan County Sheriff’s Office deputy injured in a Friday two-vehicle crash at the intersection of Sells and East Ridge roads is at home, but with a possible broken vertebra, said sheriff’s officials.
Master Deputy Charlie Ashby, 27, was traveling west on East Ridge Road just before noon on Friday when a Toyota pickup traveling east on East Ridge Road made a turn at the intersection onto Cauble Road.
The pickup driver, Cody James Mullis, 21, of Salisbury, turned into the path of the deputy’s vehicle because the sun was in his eyes, according to First Sgt. S.L. Pace of the N.C. State Highway Patrol.
The pickup overturned and came to rest behind the patrol vehicle.
Asby is in a neck brace and at home for now. He possibly has a chipped vertebra, officials said.
Mullis was charged with failure to yield and was not seriously injured. He was seen walking around after the crash.
— Shavonne Walker