Local Bridge with Myrnie McLaughlin

Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 24, 2016

It is very important to communicate total points held by the partnership to determine what the contract will be for your partnership. No trump limit bids describe High Card Points and distribution in the bidder’s hand. After giving a NT limit bid partner becomes “the boss.” He is now in the position to know how his hand fits with the NT limit bidder and can better determine the proper contract.

The following NT limit bids are common in Standard American Bridge. 1: with 15-17 points bid 1NT; 2: with 18-19 points bid 1 in a suit and then rebid 2NT; 3: with 20-21 points bid 2NT; 4: with 22-24 points open 2C and then rebid a non-jump NT ; 5: with 25-27 points bid 3NT; 6: with 28-30 points open 2C and then on rebid bid a single jump NT. Distributions can be 4,3,3,3 or 5,3,3,2 or 4,4,3,2 but never 6 in a suit or 2 doubletons.

On Friday July 15 at the Evergreen game winners were: 1st Pat Featherston and Dick Brisbin, tied for 2nd and 3rd Fern Albracht and Betty Bills with Marie Pugh and Ruth Bowles, 4th Jean and Loyd Hill.

Featured is board #4 from Friday’s game

All vulnerable — West Dealer


S  K Q 8 6 3

H  8

D  Q 9

C  A K 5 4 2

WEST:                   EAST:

S  T 5 2                    S  J 9 4

H  9 4                      H  A 6 5 3 2

D  A K J 6 5 2        D  7 3

C  J 8                        C  T 9 6


S  A 7

H  K Q J T 7

D  T 8 4

C  Q 7 3

As you can see distribution was horrendous. Rosemary Sokolowski and BettyBonner Steele had the best N/S score bidding and making 4HS while the best E/W score was made by Jean and Loyd Hill setting 3NN 3 tricks.

Tuesday, July 19 Women’s Club winners were: 1st Judy Hurder and John McLaughlin, 2nd Dick Brisbin and Jon Post, 3rd Fern Albracht and Pat Featherston.

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