Letters to the editor — Monday (2-1-2016)

Published 12:31 am Monday, February 1, 2016

In ducking debate, Trump behaves like a spoiled kid

Thursday night we learned something important about “The Donald.” When he is confronted with questions he doesn’t like he has two options; smoke and mirrors (also known to us peasants as BS) or simply ignore the question and go on about something he likes to talk about, himself. Thursday he chose option two, and ran away to a half-filled airplane hangar where no one would bother him with nasty questions on TV.

There are some things to be learned, no matter the outcome Monday night.

The important thing to learn here is how he deals with confrontation. Faced with the threat of facing a determined, well-informed reporter, Megyn Kelly, Donald choose, like a spoiled kid, to take his bat and ball and go home. Apparently he was afraid to face a well-prepared woman reporter. The threat of being shown up by a woman apparently was more than he could take.

Is this how he proposes to deal with uncooperative women in Congress? When Diane Feinstein or Claire McCaskill don’t jump up, salute and say “Yes, boss!” What will Donald do? Run back to the White House and pout?

How will he behave with strong women allies? Think about Donald trying to lecture Marine LePen of France? Or Angela Merkel, the German chancellor? What if either (or both) of them simply laugh at his bumptious?

Bottom line, Donald simply can’t handle smart, competitive women as equals. His own track record shows he would be a disaster in both the national and international spheres.

I don’t pretend to be a Republican (actually I’m an independent) but I’d really like to see two candidates with actual experience and a record of performance in the real world of government. That leaves me with Kasich, Christie and Bush, none of whom Republicans seem to like. Not a happy outlook.

 — Jack Burke
