Letters to the editor (1-27-16)

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Thanks, deputies

Sending a huge shout out to the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office and the two deputies who left my home a little while ago (Monday), Deputy W.A. Dixon and the other gentleman (whose name I neglected to ask). Thank you for clearing the wheelchair ramp and back stairs so I can open both doors to my house and get outside in case of emergency.

Thanks, too, for clearing my car off and making sure the engine cranked. I especially appreciate that one of the deputies came to help, when he heard the radio call, even though he was off duty and on his way home. Thanks!

— Cathleen A. Helm


Danger on roads

In regards to Mr. Champion’s letter Monday (“Waiting for the mail”): My husband is a retired rural postal carrier. Only two times did he not carry the mail when it snowed, and those times when he did carry the mail in hazardous conditions, my concern was for him.

I am thankful the postal service decided it is too dangerous for the rural and city carriers to deliver the mail during this snow/sleet storm. We are glad you got your Salisbury Post. We did not receive one for three days. It was too dangerous for the carrier to risk carrying on the secondary roads.

— Joyce Caldwell

Mount Ulla


I would like to thank the road crews for all their hard work during this winter storm. I would also like to thank the Salisbury Post and U.S. Mail carriers for their fine work. As the roads became dangerous, I was not surprised when my mail was not delivered. Delivering the mail involves much stopping on the sides of roads that would put the drivers in danger of getting stuck, running off the road or sliding into traffic.

I completely understand the decision not to travel on some roads. Driving on ice is much more dangerous than snow and I agree with anyone does not want to put themselves or others at risk.

– Melanie Chilson
