Letters to the editor (1-6-16)

Published 8:15 am Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Beware of panhandlers who target veterans

On Dec. 29, as I was leaving Lowe’s Home Improvement store, a man walked up to me. He said he and his wife had been at the VA hospital all day, his car was overheating and $25 would go a long way to helping him get back to the VA. I told him that I didn’t have any cash; he thanked me and said he noticed my veterans’ tag. He even thanked me for my husband’s service. He was pulling all the strings and targeting veterans.

As I watched, he went to vehicles that displayed  veterans’ tags and approached individuals wearing veterans’ ball caps. I called Lowe’s to let them know someone was panhandling in their parking lot. I then called Salisbury Police. I was upset at being approached by someone asking for money.

I spoke with the officer after his arrival, but the man disappeared very quickly. The officer spoke with another individual thinking he might be the person he was looking for, but he was not, and he said these people usually work in pairs. I really appreciate the officer speaking with me but I regret I did not get his name. He was very polite and professional and said he would keep an eye out for these individuals.

The man that approached me was polite, clean-cut, no facial hair, mid-50s, and approx. 6’ tall. He was wearing khaki slacks, a white t-shirt and a ball cap bearing VFW letters without a post number. He displayed several small military ribbons on the cap.

It’s a shame that some people try to prey on the kindness, understanding and generosity of a fellow veteran (or anyone else) for personal gain.

Please pay attention to your surroundings and if you are approached by someone, don’t be afraid to call for help.

— Barbara Price

China Grove


The city changed its name protocol for email addresses recently, so the addresses listed in GeoRene Jones’ letter to the editor on Monday are incorrect. Here are the correct email addresses for members of Salisbury City Council:

• Mayor Karen Alexander, KAlex@salisburync.gov

• Mayor Pro Tem Maggie Blackwell, MBlac@salisburync.gov

• Brian Miller, BMil@salisburync.gov

• Kenneth Hardin, KHard@salisburync.gov

• David Post, DPost@salisburync.gov