Longtime Salisburian gives to Christmas Happiness in honor of her family

Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 19, 2015

By Shavonne Walker


Peggy Gemayel spent 40 years in wedded bliss to the late Jay Stoudemire, whose family owned and ran Stoudemire Furniture Co.

Jay died in 1987 and four years later Peggy married Tom Gemayel. The Gemayels were married for 20 years before Tom died from Parkinson’s Disease. She’s always given to the Christmas Happiness Fund in memory of both her late husbands and her late daughter, Tish, who had Multiple Sclerosis.

“I try to give every year. I feel the need there and I think it’s such a good thing to do,” Peggy said.

As to why she continues to give after all these years, Peggy said “I know there is a great need and it’s a good way to remember the ones we love.”

The Salisbury Post collects the contributions while the Salvation Army of Rowan County distributes the donations to the Christmas Happiness Fund. Families who qualify receive a voucher for each eligible child. Contributions will be collected through Christmas Day.

Donations may be delivered to the Salisbury Post, 131 W. Innes St., between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. Donations can also be mailed to the Salisbury Post Christmas Happiness Fund, P.O. Box 4639, Salisbury, N.C. 28145-4639. Make checks payable to the Christmas Happiness Fund and indicate how you want your donation listed.

Friday’s donations:

In memory of Janet Kepley by Grace Bible Church … $40

Roscoe F Giles … $25

In honor of Golly – Holly – Jolly-  Catawba Alums … $30

In memory of Jim Kelly by Marjorie Kelly … $50

In loving memory of my Mother Camilla Gail Karriker by Laura Miller … $50

In loving memory of my Father James Miller by Robert Miller … $50

In honor of Everyman’s Bible Class; First Presbyterian Church; Our leader; Al Hoffman and all our teachers; Jake Alexander, Bob Lewis, Vic Bost, Bob Harris, Jessie Tart, Jay Whittington, Dan Williams, Randy Lassiter, Rip Collins, Tony Almeida and Keith Garner by Johnny Safrit … $100

In honor of Lee Wallace, Victor Wallace, and Jason Wallace by the Office Staff at Wallace Realty … $100

In honor of Bob and Jon by Al and Babe … $25

Kathy and Windsor Eagle … $100

In memory of our son Randall Gore by Steve and Malynda Peeler … $25

In honor of Kayla, Mason, Jenna, our Grandchildren by Linda and Jim Freeman … $100

In memory of Mary Julia Honbarger by Bob Honbarger … $100

In honor of our Grandchildren; Will, Benjamin, Jenna, Elizabeth, Samuel, Worth, Anna, Abbey, Jonathan and Josiah Hylton by Bill and Nancy Hylton … $100

Salisbury Lions Club … $100

In memory of Parents: Clarence and Vergie Bostian, Ernest and Janice Stoner and in memory of children: Lenny and Melissa Bostian by Clancy and Ann Stoner Bostian … $100

In honor of my Grandchildren Will and Evan Koontz by Edwin Koontz … $200

In memory of Ray Weddington and Stephen Weddington and in honor of the Donald Weddington family by Cora Weddington … $100

In memory of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Livengood, Robert, Harold, Lucille, Ruby, Shirley, Richard , Mary by … $100

In honor of my Grandkids  by Digna Freirich … $100

In memory of Jay, Tish and Tom by Peggy Gemayel … $100

In honor of Christ’s birth by Adam & Eve Sunday School Class  1st United Methodist Church – Salisbury … $100

Total $ 1,795

Running Total $41,149.08