Letters to the editor – Saturday (12-12-15)
Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 12, 2015
Tournament’s success proves Rowan cares
The golfing community of Rowan County gathered Oct. 24 at Corbin Hills Golf Course for the “Debbie Plummer Memorial Golf Tournament.” This was the fifth annual “Golfing for Debbie” event.
Debbie’s spirit and love for God, family and friends was the driving force for the event. We are proud and grateful to all who joined us to play golf, fellowship, eat and make this such a successful outing. These five events have raised over $30,000 that has gone to families in Rowan County to help cover medical costs. Additionally, a car was given to a family that needed transportation for doctor’s appointments.
Many thanks to our major sponsors: Corbin Hills, R.H. Barringer Distributors, Cheerwine, Carolina Golf Trail and Apple Ugly. With their help, proceeds from the tournament were given to two local families who face the same challenges as Debbie and Dale had.
Thanks to all individuals and companies who donated money, gifts, time and effort to make this event a success. Benefits from this tournament and many similar events held weekly shows that Rowan County is a caring and giving community!
— Perry VonCanon
Perry VonCanon is treasurer of the Fairways and Greens group at Bethel Lutheran Church
The greatest gift
How long is it going to take for us to open our heart’s door to Jesus and let him in? Praying you have a spiritual heart, eyes and ears to receive the greatest gift given — Jesus, our Savior, God’s only Son, born on Christmas Day.
He came to live among us, teach us and be the example He wanted us to be.
Jesus only lived on Earth 33 years after leaving his beautiful heavenly home (Rev. 21). Three years, Jesus taught his disciples all they needed to know to pass on after giving His life on the cross for our sins. He returned to Earth briefly through His Holy Spirit.
Today, we can have that Holy Spirit in us if we believe and accept His gift of salvation. It’s very simple: confess your sins to him and believe that He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
Remember the Sodom and Gomorrah story in Genesis 18 and 19. I urge you to read it to see how the effort was made through God to find just 10 that were saved. How many enemies are among us and how many terrorist attacks will it take to make us aware that God must not be happy with us and our number of lost souls?
Christmas is the season and time we celebrate Jesus’ birth. Are you planning to be caught up in the hustle-bustle or will you be still and know that He is God? Give your heart to Jesus, praying. God will forgive us for we know not what we do.
— Carol Cauble