Linda Beck: Carrots and eggs

Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 12, 2015



One day I called and asked “the other Linda” if she could draw me a carrot, a boiled egg, and a pot of water. There was a long silent pause and then she said, “Probably, but what in the world do you plan to do with that?”

“Make cards, of course!” I went on to explain that I had come across a quote that reads: “The same water that softens the carrot hardens the egg.”

“Okay,” she said as she laughed and tried to picture what I had in mind. At first, I wasn’t sure who would want a card like this. But I figured I could just make a few and see what might happen. I knew there was a reason this had caught my attention. The “other Linda” did a great job drawing, as always, and I colored and put the cards together with the verse inside.

Now people are forever asking where I get ideas for stories and complimenting me on my card ministry. I tell them some things come from the Lord and these are the thoughts he gave me. Along with the “carrot, egg, pot” verse, I’m going to include some facts like these:

“The same God who loves me, loves you too.”

“The same Jesus who died on the cross for me, died for you.”

“The same Jesus who forgives my sins will forgive the sins of all who invite Him into their hearts.”

“The same Bible that speaks to my heart will speak to your heart too!” But remember the water has to boil to soften the carrot and harden the egg. And if you want God’s word to speak to your heart, you will need to immerse yourself in reading the Bible.

I’m sure if I continue to think on this, God will give me some more of the same’s. For right now though, I’m hungry! I think I will go boil some water and cook a carrot and an egg! Then I’ll spend some time digesting the Bible for dessert.

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