Quotes of the week

Published 7:20 am Friday, July 31, 2015

“I was like, ‘I got it.’ … After that, I just kind of turned it on and knew what was at stake.”

— Riley Myers,  Rowan Legion’s state tournament MVP,

on his reaction when told a relief pitcher could take his place for the last inning of the championship game.

“You won’t hear anything, you won’t smell anything and there’s no waste.”

— Joel Olsen

02 Energies EMC,

on solar farms

“They are definitely patrolling. I’m not taking that away from them. It has improved, but whatever it takes to keep it safe is a part of that factor.”

— Carolyn Rice,  West End resident,

on police presence in her neighborhood

“I’m glad to have this place. It’s a miracle. That’s all I can say.”

— The Rev. Teodulo Ramos Rivera,  pastor of New Life Church,

on being given a church building and      campus by Oakland Heights Baptist Church

“Kids need to learn with their hands, with their eyes, and they also need to listen and talk with each other.”

— Shirley Disseler,  U.S. curriculum director for Lego,

on the use of Lego blocks in schools