Letters to the editor — Monday (7-27-2015)
Published 12:20 am Monday, July 27, 2015
Charlotte-Mecklenburg officer wrongly accused
This letter of support is with many thoughts and prayers for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Officer Randall Kerrick and his family during this terrible time in their lives.
This man has been demonized and portrayed as a monster. He is not. His is a devoted and loving father and husband who was under attack by a hostile, out-of-control suspect. There is overwhelming evidence to support this, including dash-cam video and the eye-witness testimony of the woman who was also under attack by the suspect in an attempted home invasion moments before he knocked Officer Kerrick to the ground and assaulted him in the attempt to seize his gun and use it on him.
I hope this letter will inspire others to get the facts before jumping on the bandwagon to hang him for a crime he is innocent of.
The lives of our friends and family members in the law enforcement community matter too.
Not guilty.
— Tony Haney
Shocked by appointment
I was shocked to read Mac Butner was appointed to the Rowan County Board of Elections. His racist comments while he was chairman of the Housing Board should disqualify him for consideration for any Rowan County position.
— Jack Bilson Jr.
Truth and privilege
The truth shall make you free. Where have I heard that before? The King James Bible, chapters 9 and 10 of Genesis and Acts 26:14-18. Blessings from the Lord may be perceived as white privilege.
— Jerry M. Wiles
Inspirational athlete
I would like to say thanks to Marny Hendrick for the excellent article published in the Post on July 23 about the American Legion ball player Hunter Shepherd. It is so refreshing to read about a young man who seems to have his life headed in the right direction.
All too often, all we see published is the negative side of today’s youth. The things that millions of good kids across our nation do everyday are overshadowed by a minority of thugs and delinquents.
America’s future has always been determined by the bright, energetic, hard-working kids reared in our society. They are the guardians of America’s future.
I’m sure I speak for the thousands of us that have been involved in Legion baseball over the years when I say good luck to Hunter, his teammates and our Rowan Legion team.
God bless the coaches, parents and supporters that make this program special.
— Eddie Hoover
All lives matter
Some presidential candidates were trying to speak at a conference when activists starting chanting ‘’Black lives matter.’’ Former Maryland Governor O’Malley said that black lives do matter. Then he said that white lives matter, and got some boos. Then he said that all lives matter, and got more boos. Later on O’Malley actually apologized for saying, ‘’All lives matter.’.
Supporters of equal rights, like myself, need to stand against all racism, sexism and religious bigotry. We need to oppose white racism directed at blacks, and black racism directed at whites. We need to stand against all police brutality whether the victims are white, black, or brown. We need integration and inclusion, not separation, segregation, and exclusion. All lives do matter.
— Chuck Mann