Letters to the editor — Monday (7-20-2015)

Published 12:42 am Monday, July 20, 2015

Protect the statue Fame and honor fallen veterans

The statue Gloria Victus (aka Fame) is no more a symbol of racism than dark chocolate. “Fame” is a memorial honoring hundreds of thousands of heroic soldiers, whose blood has long since soaked into the ground of this great nation. Personally, I don’t care about racial sensibilities — displayed by anyone of any race — when it comes to dishonoring any war memorial, dedicated to any American veteran killed in any war or conflict.  The good people of Salisbury need to rally around Fame, and protect her at all cost.  If you haven’t called your city politicians yet — to express concerns — please do.

This country seems to be saturated with racism from all sides, and there are battles that can be waged from all directions. Racial sensitivities know no boundaries of color, and are indeed within “the eye of the beholder.”  Dishonoring war memorials can be a slippery slope of no return.  What if a busload of gray- headed, LSD saturated hippies — who never quite made it all the way home from Woodstock — want to go to D.C. and destroy the Vietnam Wall with sledge hammers, because of their hatred of that particular war, or maybe start tearing down headstones in our cemeteries? Exact same principle! To quote Nicholson in “As good as it gets”:  “Sell crazy some place else, we’re all stocked up here!”

And now there are four more fallen Marines and a sailor to honor — unarmed, by order of their own P.C. government — killed in a gun free zone (old story) in Tennessee.  Who knows, maybe some anti-war kooks will want to destroy their monuments.

The suggestion to add a plaque with “Fame” honoring all U.S. veteran casualties is a great idea!

— Randy Biggerstaff



Remember their sacrifice

As the Fourth of July season has come and gone a few weeks ago, we should consider the sacrifice of the soldiers in the United States military. They sacrificed everything for this country, and a lot of these fine soldiers lost their lives for this country. That being said, I pause to commend and honor these fine men and women. In that regard I also love this country. I hope that both Democrats and Republicans will come together for the country and do what’s best for the United States. Even though the Fourth of July is over, we should honor the these fine soldiers all year round!

— Phillip Pless
