Nominate small farmer for state award
Published 12:00 am Friday, July 17, 2015
If you know an exceptional small-farm businessman or businesswoman, the Cooperative Extension Program at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University wants to hear from you.
Public nominations are being accepted for the North Carolina Small Farmer of the Year, an award bestowed annually by Cooperative Extension at N.C. A&T.
The award will be presented during the 30th Annual Small Farms Week activities scheduled March 20-26, 2016. The recipient will be honored during the annual Small Farmers’ Appreciation luncheon and will receive a plaque, a special monogrammed jacket and $1,500. The nominator will also be recognized.
The North Carolina Small Farmer of the Year Award honors a small farmer in the state who is a:
- Creative producer in livestock and/or crop production and marketing
- Leader, involved in contributing time and other resources to build the local community
- Steward of the environment, protecting and enhancing natural resources
- Wise business practitioner running a farm in an entrepreneurial manner
For more information and nomination forms, visit and click on “Cooperative Extension.” Completed nominations must be postmarked on or before Aug. 21 to:
Dr. Michelle Eley, chair, 2016 Small Farmer of the Year Committee, The Cooperative Extension Program, P.O. Box 21928, Greensboro, NC 27420
E-mail:; FAX: 336-334-7432
Late applications will not be accepted. To verify receipt of the application, contact Alice Pennix at